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"We see our advertising on Christian radio as one the most important ways to reach the Christian community in our area. Not only does it produce direct applicants for the school, but it also increases our web activity and word of mouth advertising. Cornerstone Communications has been instrumental in making our radio advertising not only successful, but effortless and worry—free."

— Trinity Law School


The Effect of Radio on Newspaper & Television Advertising Effectiveness

Radio Can Make Newspaper Three times More Effective
  • Replacing one of two newspaper exposures with two radio ads almost tripled unaided brand recall.
  • When two radio exposures replaced one of two newspaper exposures, twice as many people chose the advertised brand as their first-choice product.
  • Trading a newspaper ad for two radio exposures gave much better message playback than seeing two newspaper ads.
Radio Can Make TV/Cable TV 34% More Effective
  • Swapping out one of two TV/Cable TV ads for two radio ads increased unaided brand recall by 34%.
  • When two radio ads replaced one of two TV/Cable TV exposures, more people chose the advertised brand as their first-choice product (60% increase over TV only).
  • Consumers that heard two radio ads (and only one TV/Cable TV ad) could restate a campaign’s main message just as well as those exposed to two TV/Cable TV ads.

Source: Southern California Broadcasters Association. 12/04