The Effect of Radio on Newspaper & Television Advertising Effectiveness
Radio Can Make Newspaper Three times More Effective
- Replacing one of two newspaper exposures with two radio ads almost tripled unaided brand recall.
- When two radio exposures replaced one of two newspaper exposures, twice as many people chose the advertised brand as their first-choice product.
- Trading a newspaper ad for two radio exposures gave much better message playback than seeing two newspaper ads.
Radio Can Make TV/Cable TV 34% More Effective
- Swapping out one of two TV/Cable TV ads for two radio ads increased unaided brand recall by 34%.
- When two radio ads replaced one of two TV/Cable TV exposures, more people chose the advertised brand as their first-choice product (60% increase over TV only).
- Consumers that heard two radio ads (and only one TV/Cable TV ad) could restate a campaign’s main message just as well as those exposed to two TV/Cable TV ads.
Source: Southern California Broadcasters Association. 12/04