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"Our advertising campaign has generated a 400 to 800 percent return on our investment over the past 20 years! I can not express enough gratitude on behalf of our board and staff toward what our partnership with Dave Barton and Cornerstone Communications has meant."

— The Oaks Christian Camp


The Right Choice

Discover if Christian Radio is a Match for You
Dave Barton
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Desire to be known as a business that is run with honesty and integrity.
Operate your business in a manner that reflects Judeo-Christian values.
Offer products and/or services that represent a strong value in today's marketplace.
Treat your customers with courtesy and respect.
Would enjoy the benefits and public image of being associated with a Christian station.
Appreciate the lifetime value of customers who are relational versus transactional.
Prefer customers who will recommend you to friends, family and members of their church.
Embrace the value of target or niche marketing.
Welcome opportunities for exclusivity and to reach an audience that many of your competitors are ignoring.
Desire to have a station’s on-air personalities endorse or recommend you to their listeners.
Care as much about quality of leads and customers as quantity.
Want to feel good about the programming your advertising supports.